Francis Guenette of northern Vancouver Island has spent most of her life on the west coast of British Columbia. She lives with her husband and dog and finds inspiration for writing in the beauty and drama of their lakeshore cabin and garden in the vicinity of Port Alice. She has a graduate degree in Counselling Psychology from the University of Victoria and has worked as an educator, trauma counsellor and researcher.

In Francis Guenette's debut novel Disappearing in Plain Sight (FriesenPress $15.99 / $23.99), sixteen-year-old Lisa-Marie has been packed off to spend the summer with her aunt on the isolated shores of Crater Lake. She is drawn to Izzy Montgomery, a gifted trauma counsellor who is struggling through personal and professional challenges. Lisa-Marie also befriends Liam Collins, a man who goes quietly about his life trying to deal with his own secrets and guilt. The arrival of a summer renter for Izzy's guest cabin is the catalyst for change amongst Crater Lake's tight knit community. People are forced to grapple with the realities of grief and desire to discover that there are no easy choices, only shades of grey.

Pb 978-1-4602-1089-5; Hc 978-1-4602-1091-8

[BCBW 2013]