W.T. Stanbury's Success and Failure: Indians in Urban Society (1975) is a 415-page study of more than 1,000 status Aboriginals living off Reserves, comparing their lives with those of non-Aboriginals, Aboriginals in other parts of North America and those living on Reserves. He also co-edited The Economic Impact of the Public Sector upon the Indians of British Columbia (1970).

Review of the author's work by BC Studies:
The Economic Impact of the Public Sector Upon the Indians of British Columbia
Success and Failure: Indians in Urban Societies


Stanbury, W.T. & D.B. Fields. The Economic Impact of the Public Sector upon the Indians of British Columbia (UBC Press, 1970).

Stanbury, W.T. & Jay H. Siegel. Success and Failure: Indians in Urban Society (UBC Press, 1975).

[BCBW 2004] "First Nations"