Nina Munteanu is a sci-fi author and environmental consultant with an M.Sc in limnology from Concordia University. She was born in Granby, Quebec, and now lives in Vancouver with her family, where she writes novels and short-stories. Many of her ideas come to her as dreams, she says, and she always keeps a notepad handy for when inspiration strikes.

Darwin's Paradox takes place in a future where AI beings can co-inhabit one's mind and intelligent machines can threaten world chaos. For the uninitiated to genetics, virus behavior, and other sci-fi details, Munteanu has included a glossary of scientific terms at the end of the novel.

Her novel, A Diary in the Age of Water (Inanna 2020) is a bleak memoir that describes a near-future Toronto in the grips of severe water scarcity during a time when China owns the USA and the USA owns Canada. The diary spans a twenty-year period in the mid-twenty-first century of 33-year-old Lynna, a single mother who works in Toronto for CanadaCorp, an international utility that controls everything about water, and who witnesses disturbing events that she doesn't realize will soon lead to humanity's demise. The story follows the climate-induced journey of Earth and humanity through four generations of women, each with a unique relationship to water.


Darwin's Paradox (Dragon Moon, 2007) $17.95 978-1-896944-68-5

A Diary in the Age of Water (Inanna 2020) $22.95 978-1-77133-737-3

[BCBW 2020] "Fiction"