It weighs in at 400-plus pages, it has 30 contemporary authors, it's somehow priced at $22.95, and it's a prismatic reflection of the 'uncontainable aliveness' of story-telling on the British Columbia coast.

It's Islands West: Stories from the Coast (Oolichan $22.95), edited by Keith Harrison, featuring Alice Munro, P.K. Page, Eden Robinson, D.M. Fraser, Audrey Thomas, Linda Svendsen, Cynthia Flood and more than 20 others.

Harrison contends that whether you're on Mayne Island or the mainland, this misnamed province, our home, and our native land, is a haven for singular viewpoints, styles and disparate backgrounds, and that's seen in our literature.

"Self-defined and one-of-a-kind, these stories are like islands,"; Harrison says. "To end on a fancy metaphor, this book is an archipelago-a sheet of water with many scattered islands-around which I hope readers will voyage with excitement."; 0-88982-198-4