In 1924, prospector John Ostman was walking inland from Toba Inlet, on the B.C. coast when he was abducted by creatures he described as "near eight feet tall with a big barrel chest and big hump on his back. His forearms were longer than common people. His hands were wide, the palm was long and broad, and hollow like a scoop. His fingernails were like chisels. The only place they had no hair was inside their hands and the soles of their feet and the upper part of the nose and eyelids."; This would prove to be the definitive description of the sasquatch that others would repeat again and again. B.C. biologist Dr. John Bindernagel looks at the accumulative evidence and sightings over the past 150 years in North America's Great Ape: The Sasquatch (Beachcomber $25). 0-9682887-0-7