"The flame moves through the kiln like life,"; says Linda Doherty. "Make the flame's path difficult, with obstacles and rough surfaces to slow it down, and the pots emerge with depth, character and vitality.";
Doherty is one of the 126 potters profiled by Carole E. Mayer in Made of Clay: Ceramics of British Columbia (D&M/Potters Guild $40), including Horseshoe Bay pantheist Rhonda Green, author of A Potter's Manual: Staying Afloat in Mud, and Victoria's Robin Hoffer, author of The Ceramic Spectrum and Functional Poetry.
"Although I am enticed to work with other materials,"; says Doherty, who also edited the coffee table book, "I keep coming back to clay. Clay arouses the senses. And fire gives each piece spirit."; 1-55054-655-4