Fronting a punk band in Vancouver in the '80s demanded dedication far beyond monetizing your Tumblr and keeping your Bandcamp up to date. In between gigs with the Modernettes, John Armstrong became a menial-labour mercenary, selling his surplus value to any scoundrel with a paycheque, from slaughterers of bunnies to producers of newspapers, just so he could afford strings on his guitar and beer in his gullet.

The result, aside from alienation and hangovers and great punk songs, was two brilliant and hilarious memoirs: Guilty of Everything (2001), about the fun, and Wages (2007), about the work.

In preparing an ebook version of Wages we discovered an entire section of the manuscript, about working at "Ready Home & Garden," that hadn't made it into the print book. Against the advice of our legal team, we decided to publish the missing chapter.