DRAWING THE LINE IS A REFUSAL T0 BE shoved back into the closet," say the creators of Drawing the Line: Lesbian Sexual Politics on the Wall, (Press Gang $12.95). Newly released as a book, Drawing the Line is a series of provocative photos of models/lovers Persimmon Blackbridge and Lizard Jones, complete with viewers' candid comments from exhibitions in Melbourne, Sydney, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Vancouver. The photos are by Susan Stewart. "For women, being 'nice girls' has often been a survival strategy," say the threesome, who collectively call themselves Kiss & Tell, "but that' safety' traps and silences us.";For lesbians, invisibility has been our safety and our trap. In the face of growing threats, we refuse to be invisible nice girls any more." 0-88974-030-5

[BCBW 1991] "Lesbians";