"What about our side of Canada--the Great West, standing before us big and strong and beautiful? What art do we want for her art? Ancient or modern? She's young but she's very big. If we dressed her in the art dresses of the older countries she would burst them. So we will have to make her a dress of her own. Not that the art of the Old World is not great and glorious and beautiful, but what they have to express over there is not the same as we have to express over here. It is different. The spirit is different. Everyone knows that the moment we go from the Old Country to the New, of from the New to the Old, we feel the difference at once. European painters have sought to express Europe. Canadian painters must strive to express Canada. Misty landscapes and gentle cows do not express Western Canada, even the cows know that. I said to a farmer in Scotland once: 'That fence wouldn't keep out a Canadian cow.' 'You are right,' he replied, 'it would not. Your cows are accustomed to fighting their way through the bush. When they are shipped here it takes twice as many men and twice as high a fence to make them stay put.' So, if the country produces different cow-spirit, isn't it reasonable that it should produce different artist-spirit?" -- Emily Carr, from Fresh Seeing.