born halifax nov23 1939 same day as gerald lampert n billy th kid left at 17 2 go west 2 vancouvr seeking freedom from behaviour n sexual role repressyuns n 2 rage out in nu direksyuns in writing painting n living sartid blewointmentpress 64 dottr michelle born in 62 kept writing n painting n printing thru n after 3 partnerships now on my own 4 sum time 97 living in toronto painting writing dewing reedings was living part time in london ontario sins 86 til 91 sang n wrote lyriks in band luddites based in london was also living in vancouvr during thos yeers what brout me 2 ontario eye call centralia was being writr in resindens at western u have writtn ovr 50 books uv poetree manee uv them with Talonbooks wundrful publishr ium wanting 2 xtend th boundareez uv th langwage n the form still go 2 th west coast a lot whn thers work 2 dew that n live in th countree up north in th karibu a lot also its hard 2 separate biographee from bibliographee bin dwing reed ings last few yeers in europe yew s thruout canada latest art show 501 toronto august 97 modern fuel kingston 94 othr wun prson art shows vancouvr a also pizza ricos neo artisan anavada thos in vancouvr forest citee galleree london ont 88 group show rezoning vancouvr art galleree wintr 89 90 th martimes ar veree beautiful th centr is very beautiful praireez veree beautiful coastal area veree beautiful eye love going 2 all uv them n evreewher is th centr uv evreewher n not ium still wanting 2 keep lerning unlerning mor n mor in2 sound poetree fusyun poetree narrativ non narrativ politikul meta physikul spiritual as freeing from linear binaree traps cud we b next book loving without being vulnrabul recent books incorrekt thots th last photo uv th human soul what we have n seegull on yonge street all with Talonbooks most recent cassett longon life most recent cassett with luddites dreemin uv the nite still seeking freedoms from sexual n behaviour repressyuns brout abt by the cruelteez n stupiditeez uv the rite wing or the radikul left whoevr telling us that ther ar onlee thees following few wayze 2 live work n love