Why should you be interested in this story? Because this disease is spreading like a plague and no one is taking notice.

Over 60% of the sexually active population has herpes either above or below the waist. When you have herpes you are more likely to contract diseases like HIV/AIDS and HPV (genital warts). These odds are shocking on their own. Add to that the fact that 70% or more of people infected with herpes don't know they have it, and you have an epidemic of great proportion.

You would think with statistics like this, herpes would have some level of visibility in the media. It is sad to note that as herpes is labelled a sexually transmitted disease, no celebrities are dying from it, and no one is paying attention to one of the largest pandemics in the world.

Holistic Viral and Immune Specialist, Christopher Scipio has taken another step forward in getting the word out and in humanizing herpes. Scipio, a homeopath and master herbalist, has completed his book "Making Peace with Herpes"; and is available for interviews.

There are no charities of any size or prominence raising money for herpes research or awareness. There are no celebrities willing to admit to having herpes, so it's more important than ever for the media to take up its responsibility to the public to shed light on herpes.

Those who were children during the Clinton/Lewinsky era have grown up thinking oral sex isn't really sex and therefore safe. This has resulted in a huge rise in herpes infections. These infections are of the Herpes Type I virus, being transmitted through oral sex to the genitals via persons with cold sores (HSV1). Herpes needs to be diagnosed with a blood test as swabs of the infected area have a high ratio of false negatives.

The stigma attached to herpes has forced many herpes sufferers into self-imposed social exile. There is no need for anyone with herpes to feel like a pariah. With proper information about diet, effective natural therapies and safer-sex practices people with can live free of frequent outbreaks and can protect their loved ones from being infected.