UBC post-doctoral research fellow, Doris Baltruschat's extensive background in the sectors of film and television make her conversant with the substantial transformations occurring in today's independent cinema. Sweeping changes in production and distribution technology, coupled with shifting social dynamics, allow independent filmmakers to produce films beyond the mainstream global industry and their national film systems. In Independent Filmmaking around the Globe (University of Toronto Press Pub. $36.95) Baltruschat, with Mary P. Erickson, explores ways in which independent filmmakers are shaping the production and distribution of feature films, creating work reflecting independent voices and challenging political, economic and cultural constraints. Contemporary independent filmmakers are increasingly defining the global cinema of today.


Global Media Ecologies: Networked Production in Film and Television (Routledge 2013) $44.95

Independent Filmmaking around the Globe (University of Toronto Press Pub. 2014) $36.95 9781442626836

[BCBW 2014]