Victoria's Peter Hicks was once a happily married man, an athlete, long distance runner, downhill skier, cyclist, helicopter and fixed winged airplane pilot. A man in the prime of his life who had everything going for him, health, career, family, friends and a wife. Then...his world stopped. A brain tumour changed his world forever in just one day. "As I sat there strapped in my wheelchair, I will always remember the Doctor's words" says Peter. "I am sorry Peter, but you may never walk or be able to talk again." His book "From Top to Bottom and Back" (Peter Hicks Productions $14.95) tells the story of his triumph over adversity. A portion of the proceeds from this book will be donated to the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada.

Peter is currently on the 'Board of Directors' with two Victoria, British Columbia based charities working with youth and Persons with Disabilities.