With his brother Arthur Krause, a biologist and geographer, Aurel Krause was sent by the Bremen Geographic Society in 1881 to map the Alaskan coastline and to make ethnographic studies. They visited the Bering Strait and published the 1883 Alaska Coast Pilot. Their studies were published in various journals and Aurel Krause published Die Tlinkit-Indianer; Ergebnisse Einer Reise Nach Der Nordwestkuste Von Amerika Und Der Beringstrasse, Ausgefuhrt Im Auftrage Der Bermer Geographischen Gesellschaft In Den Jahren 1880-1881, Durch Die Doctoren Arthur Und Aurel Krause, Geschildert Von Dr. Aurel Krause (Jena Hermann Costenoble, 1885), a study of Indians in northern British Columbia, the Queen Charlottes and Alaska. It was republished as The Tlingit Indians: Results of a Trip to the Northwest Coast of America and Bering Straits (University of Washington Press, 1956), translated by Erna Gunther. The journals and letters of the two German brothers were published as To the Chuckchi Peninsula and to the Tlingit Indians 1881-1882 (Rasmuson Library Historical Translation Series, 1993), translated by Margot Krause McCaffrey.


Krause, Aurel. Die Tlinkit-Indianer; Ergebnisse Einer Reise Nach Der Nordwestkuste Von Amerika Und Der Beringstrasse, Ausgefuhrt Im Auftrage Der Bermer Geographischen Gesellschaft In Den Jahren 1880-1881 (Jena Hermann Costenoble, 1885).

Krause, Aurel. The Tlingit Indians (University of Washington Press, 1956, 1970; originally published in German, 1885).

[BCBW 2005] "Anthropology" "First Nations" "Early B.C."