Commander C.H. Little, R.C.N. (Ret.) wrote a poorly edited but valuable study of early Spanish and British exploration of the B.C. coast in the late 1700s. It includes the published basis for assuming Juan de Fuca was the first European to reach B.C. waters (text by Samuel Purchas) and some corroboration that Spaniard Don Esteban Martinez recognized Juan de Fuca's Strait prior to the English sea captain Charles William Barkley who is credited for allocating its name.

Little graduated from universities in Toronto and Oxford. Fluent in several languages, he served as Director of Naval Intelligence, and Education Officer and Chairman of the Maritime Museum of Canada. He also originated a Naval Training Program for Canadian universities.


18th Century Maritime Influences on the History and Place Names of British Columbia (Madrid: Editorial Naval, 1991).

[BCBW 2005] "Spanish" "Place Names"