Born in Kimberley, B.C. on February 4, 1955, Jordan Zinovich is a Kimberley-raised historian and editor who left Canada in 1974 and has lived in New York, Crete, England, France, Conraky (Guinea), India, Holland and Spain.

He has published two historical biographies about personalities who opened the western Canadian north ("The Prospector: North of Sixty"; and "Battling the Bay";); the critical anthology "Semiotext(e) CANADAs"; (of which he was Project General Editor); the novel "Gabriel Dumont in Paris";; The Poetry Collections "Cobweb Walking,"; "The Company I Keep,"; and "Chronicle of an Unverifiable Year";; the poetic radio play "John Chapman's Harvest";; and "Tantric Panic,"; a collection of Hans Plomp's short stories translated from Dutch. His work has been translated into French and Dutch, with radio performances in New York and Amsterdam. He has also been associated as an senior editor with the Autonomedia Collective.

He co-wrote The Prospector North of 60, a memoir about his neighbour Ted Nagle who played a central role in the discovery of uranium at Echo Bay. Nagle's adventures by canoe and bush plane include attempts to locate the fabled Lost Bruce Mine. A second volume on the Nagle clan, about Nagle's father, is entitled Battling the Bay. While based in New York City, Zinovich published The Company I Keep (Ekstasis, 2004).


The Company I Keep. Victoria, BC: Ekstasis Editions, (softcover) 2004.
John Chapman's Harvest. New York: ALLey Publications, 2003. (chapbook)
Cobweb Walking. New York: Artichoke Yink Press/ALLey Publications, (softcover) 2000.
Gabriel Dumont in Paris: a Novel History. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, (softcover) 1999.
semiotext(e) CANADAs. (project general editor) New York: semiotext(e)/Marginal Editions, (softcover) 1994.
Battling the Bay. Edmonton: Lone Pine Publishing, (softcover) 1992.
The Prospector: North of Sixty. Edmonton: Lone Pine Publishing, (softcover) 1990; (hardcover) 1989. Published on tape (as read by Bryon Johnsen) by the Public Library Services Branch, Province of British Columbia, 1996.

[BCBW 2006] "Mining" "Fiction" "Poetry"