For Immediate Release March 26, 2010

35 years after Taxi! first revved up Vancouver literature, a gathering will be held at the Vancouver Public Library on April 29, 2010 of readers and writer/readers to celebrate this fine novel.

We welcome all to come and acquaint or reacquaint themselves with this book. A diverse group of local writers will read excerpts and offer comments including Julianne Okot Bitek, Penny Goldsmith, Annabel Lyon, Marina Roy, Anakana Schofield & Cúán Isamu, and Clint Burnham.

When a woman earns her living driving oil executives to the Vancouver airport and the unemployed around Skid Row, she runs head on into every social and political problem facing Canadian society. Taxi! is a novel as fast-paced as the ticking of a taxi-meter.

--Vancouver Public Library