If you wish to augment an EXISTING ENTRY, there is no need to retype existing information that’s on the site.
Send your new material to be considered for addition to:
If you wish to submit information for a NEW ENTRY, write to:
Just the facts, please. You can include some biographical sentences. Year and place of birth is welcome. Also your year of arrival in British Columbia, if relevant. Profession, education and racial heritage might also be deemed pertinent. Not the name of your budgie or cat. Avoid all boastfulness or self-boosterism. Do not mention works-in-progress, projected publications, splendid high school achievements or book reviews by friends that prove you are a genius. Include only information that will remain permanently relevant if you get run over by a bus. A current JPEG of your face is also welcome.
This is an educational, encyclopedic site. Not a commercial site. We do not encourage the use of website addresses or other information subject to change. Anyone wishing to advertise their book can visit and quickly get the gist of how one places an ad in B.C. BookWorld, the newspaper. Submissions will only be accepted from writers who have published at least one book (40 pages or more). A real book, as far as we’re concerned, must be sold in bookstores, or available from libraries. Self-published titles are okay, but not print-on-demand titles. Anyone can get a book published these days–and that’s just great. But it doesn’t mean that we have to be interested. Be sure to include, in chronological order (either ascending or descending), your published book titles, with names of publishers and years of publication.
George Orwell, for example, would type:
Animal Farm: A Fairy Story (London: Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd, 1945).
We reserve the right to exclude content. We reserve the right to edit or re-write all submissions to suit the public service-oriented style of the site. We reserve the right to make critical or interpretative observations. It is a free internet world. Anyone is welcome to build their own internet site on B.C. literature with similar parameters. Or different parameters.
Meanwhile, this is a free, public service. If you appreciate this service, and you want to support it, you are welcome to send a cheque for $25 and become a supporter/subscriber to BC BookWorld, the quarterly newspaper. We’ll send you the hard copy newspaper on a calendar year basis if you include your Canada Post mailing address. Make your cheque payable to BC BookWorld, P.O. Box 93536, Vancouver, B.C. V6E 4L7
– – Beverly Cramp, David Lester and Alan Twigg (photo).